

  • A UNIX-based operating system (like Linux or MacOS) with bash is recommended. This software has not been tested with the Windows shell.
  • seabreeze requires conda >= 24.3.0 to install python packages and manage environments. We recommend Miniforge, a minimal conda installer that is similar to Miniconda.


seabreeze is a Snakemake workflow with associated Python scripts. Download the latest release of seabreeze from the Github Repository.

Set up

seabreeze only requires an intial conda environment to be set up. Navigate to the seabreeze diectory and run the following command:

 conda env create --name seabreeze --file bin/workflow/envs/seabreeze.yml

Activate the conda environment before running the commands

conda activate seabreeze

You're all set! See Usage to get started.


By default, seabreeze creates conda environments and installs packages in the seabreeze working directory. However, if you plan to use seabreeze multiple times, or with different directories for different samples, then it can be helpful to have a common location on your system to store environments. This can save disk space and time.

Create a folder for Snakemake to store conda environments. We recommend a directory in $HOME, but it could be anywhere.

mkdir $HOME/snakemake_conda_envs

Append this line to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc or as applicable to the shell you are using, using the path to the directory created in the previous step.

export SNAKEMAKE_CONDA_PREFIX=$HOME/snakemake_conda_envs